Ok, I consider myself to be an open minded kinda guy. I don’t just blindly believe everything that the Republican party or Conservative icons put out, and I don’t automatically disbelieve everything liberals say. Really. I’m against capital punishment, I’m for flag burning, and I don’t think homosexuality is a choice. So I’d be happy to believe this “Global Warming” thing, if you’d just answer a few questions for me.
First, is everyone really convinced that the globe is getting warmer? I went to the web site of The Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine and took a look at some of the literature. It seems there are quite a few scientists who disagree with the theory that the planet is getting warmer. There’s a petition on the site with something like 17,000 electronic signatures. I took a look at the list. Almost all of the signers had a PhD after their names. Why should I NOT believe these 17,000 scientists and believe the ones that say Global Warming is real?
Second, assuming that the planet is really warming up, will it really cause any problems? I mean, how much damage could a degree or two cause? I read a few articles on Global Warming, and it seems that over the past 100 years the planet has warmed up “about a degree”. A bit more research turned up a more exact figure of 0.6 degrees. Is that really a lot? From what I understand not too long ago the planet went through a warm period called “The Medieval Climate Optimum” followed by a cool period called “The Little Ice Age”. During these periods the average temperature rose about 0.4 degrees, then fell a little over 0.8 degrees. And what was the result of these wild temperature swings? Nothing at all. Grapes were grown farther north during the warm spell, and winters were a little colder during the cold spell. Where were all the catastrophes that such a change should have caused? There were none. Why should I believe that there will be problems now?
Also, what about this “Kyoto Protocol” thing? Have you actually read it? Are you sure? I find that hard to believe. How can you possibly think this thing will do anything to reduce greenhouse gasses? There’s a clause in it that allows rich countries that produce too much greenhouse gasses (i.e. the United States) to “buy” greenhouse gas production credits from poor countries that don’t use all theirs (i.e. Lower Slobovia). So we end up producing as much or more gasses as before, while paying large sums of money to poor countries for what is essentially nothing. And this is a good thing?
And finally, how much money was spent preparing for Y2K? Billions? How much of that was necessary? Probably not a thousandth of that. Now, how much money is spent on global warming research? About $2 billion a year. Why? Because of the current hysteria. If you were getting a piece of that pie, wouldn’t you overstate the dangers a little bit to insure you’d get your slice?